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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Friend understanding

Send your friend with this comment card of the Friend Comment Cards, Free choice it than take copy and paste the embed at myspace, friendster ,hi5, tagged, xanga, kottam or other site.

friends card, annaworld, greeting card

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A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when memory fails

You're color my day

Send your friend with this comment card of the Friend Comment Cards, Free choice it than take copy & paste the embed at myspace, friendster ,hi5, tagged, xanga, kottam or other site.

friends card, annaworld, greeting card

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Friendship like melody

Send your friend with this comment card of the Friend Comment Cards, Free choice it than take copy & paste the embed at myspace, friendster ,hi5, tagged, xanga, kottam or other site.

friends card, annaworld, greeting card

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Friend is reason

Send your friend with this comment card of the Friend Comment Cards, Free choice it than take copy & paste the embed at myspace, friendster ,hi5, tagged, xanga, kottam or other site.

friends card, annaworld, greeting card

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Friend is special

Send your friend with this comment card of the Friend Comment Cards, Free choice it than take copy & paste the embed at myspace, friendster ,hi5, tagged, xanga, kottam or other site.

friends card, annaworld, greeting card

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The best Friend

Send your friend with this comment card of the Friend Comment Cards, Free choice it than take copy & paste the embed at myspace, friendster ,hi5, tagged, xanga, kottam or other site.

friends card, annaworld, greeting card

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A Perfect Friend

Send your friend with this comment card of the Friend Comment Cards,Free choice it than take copy & paste the embed at myspace, friendster ,hi5, tagged, xanga, kottam or other site.

friends card, annaworld, greeting card

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Friend understand

Send your friend with this comment card of the Friend Comment Cards, Free choice it than take copy & paste the embed at myspace, friendster ,hi5, tagged, xanga, kottam or other site.

friends card, annaworld, greeting card

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Friend my world

Send your friend with this comment card of the Friend Comment Cards, Free choice it than take copy & paste the embed at myspace, friendster,hi5, tagged, xanga, kottam or other site.

friends card, annaworld, greeting card

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Friendship isn't a big thing, it's a million little things

friends card, annaworld, greeting card

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Its free card if you want to share
If you like this card : but you can not buy me a cup of coffee just give comment to give me support :)

Friends are angels

Quote :
Friends are angel thats come from above send down from God for you to Love so if you're sad and don't know what to do just remember that I'm here for you

 embed code


Its free card if you want to share
If you like this card : but you can not buy me a cup of coffee just give comment to give me support :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Commend Friend-1

Send your friend with this comment card of the Friend Comment Cards, Free choice it than take copy and paste the embed at your friendster and facebook or other site.Click image to find real comment

"Friends are angels that’s come from above send down from
God for you to Love so if you’r sad and don’t know what to do just remember
that. I’m here for you"

friends card, worldfaryana, greeting card

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"Friendship isn’t a big thing, it’s a million little

friends card, worldfaryana, greeting card

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"Friendship isn’t a big thing, it’s a million little

friends card, worldfaryana, greeting card

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"A Single rose can be my garden…a single friend ; my world"

friends card, worldfaryana, greeting card

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"Friend understand who's you'r, and always there for you"

friends card, worldfaryana, greeting card

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“You have know me
in good and bad time, you have seen me wen I was happy and when I was sad, you
have wached me laugh and cry. Thank you for believing  in me, for supporting me,
and for always being there. Thank you for being A PERFECT FRIEND”

friends card, worldfaryana, greeting card

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"A friend is one the niceties think you can have, and one
of the best things you can be

friends card, worldfaryana, greeting card

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"You’re always been here for me even when time got rough…
Thanks my friends, You’ll always be special to me”

friends card, worldfaryana, greeting card

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"Knowing a friend like you has made me Happy in a million
ways and if even I have to let you go, I would find a million reasons to make
you stay"

friends card, worldfaryana, greeting card

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"Friendship are cute, amazing, gorgeous, sweet and beauty"

friends card, worldfaryana, greeting card

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"Thanks my friends, you’re color my day"

friends card, worldfaryana, greeting card

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"A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me
when memory fails"

friends card, worldfaryana, greeting card

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